Dec 1, 2023
Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to another episode of The Open Mic Podcast! With your host Tom Hirst, brought to you by Richland Source and Newsroom After Hours!
This week we got the party starter himself, Ryan Carver from the band Cruze Campo!
They've been making a splace in the Mansfield music scene as of recently, so I had to have him on to tell us all about their new music they're putting out.
With a recent music video release and a game plan set on releasing sinlges, they have been hitting the social media world pretty hard. If you haven't seen them in your feed, i'd be surprised!
So quit sleeping on them, listen to the episode and follow them online to find more of what they have been up to. CRUZE CAMPO
Shoutout to Devy Kay for generiously offering to make some intro's and outro's for the podcast! Let me know what you think of them and go check out his music!
Please make sure to like, share, and give us that much appreciated 5 star rating, that I'm sure you will agree, is well deserved!
Also if you have Instagram, check us out: @openmicpdcast
Check out The Richland Source and The Newsroom After Hours for all things happening in the great and beautiful Mansfield, Ohio!
Also Check out The Mothership and Relax It's Just Coffee and Two Cousins Pizza Co. and Bonfire NAtion LTD and The Electric Co. for local shows!
Mansfield, Ohio is the greatest city in the continental U.S!